
Dish Letter Miser “Tony, thank you for introducing me to the Thinking Into Results program.  You and this program have helped me to clearly define my goal to the point where I can focus on what I need to go.  Something I have not had up to this point.  I found the whole program to be of great value in learning how my thinking, self-image and the way I look at my environment is what creates my results.  I like that I can change my results by just applying what we have learned! Tony thank you for setting me on course to reach my goals.  You are a blessing and an awesome coach! I am ready for round two!”

~Vicky Barto – Regional HR Manager Drayer

“What I experienced was nothing like I was used to. Tony promised I would be challenged and I was. He said that if I commit and follow the program and his guidance and engage in the process (rich, universal yet very personal) I will see changes. And the changes came.

I feel transformed. I see myself in an entirely different light. My paradigm shifted from feeling stuck to recognizing abundance of opportunities all around me. This process continues as I keep the daily routine that Tony prescribed. I feel the lasting impact and my results continue to improve.”

~Rafal Kowalczyk

Dish Letter of Recommendation










Elevated Aesthetics Letter












Zions Bank Letter